Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Perpetual Burn by Jason Becker

Entry 9:

This is by far the toughest cookie to break. Today's blog will go into one of the most finger twisting and irregular bits of shredding I have ever seen.

Of course we find all of this in Jason Becker's work, for a change... right? Nevermind.

Today's section starts with a downwards sequence in C Ionian. It consists of a repeating pattern where we, on the 1st string, play a starting note, then play its' third, second then the first and then play the 7th on the 2nd string. Then this 7th turns into a root, by shifting down to it on the 1st string and repeating the same pattern. All in the key of C major (Ionian).

The last pattern, which is C E D C Bb, is the only one that goes out of C Ionian, due to that Bb which is really more like C Mixolydian, or any Majb7 with a major 3rd and 2nd, right?

So after this we jump back into the general key of C major, starting on A on the 10th fret of the 2nd string, going up to it's 6th and then back down all the way to C on the 6th string, 8th fret, effectively doing a C Ionian run, with a little finger twiddling in between. The last note of the passage is D, just next to the last-mentioned C.

Then we do a F major broken sequence arpeggio. If you look at the tab you'll see what I mean. Basically, it starts on the "e" of the sixteenth note count. Look at the tab and marvel.

We continue on F major until we hit a Db or C#. Then we do a Fmaj7(b6) arpeggio and pick up again with a Am run ending on the triad with the root note.

Following this we have a C arpeggio sequence which skips around a bit. We finally end this section with an E Phrygian run.

Good luck!

Perpetual Burn GP5 tabs can be found here:

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